LRTimelapse - Advanced Time Lapse Photography made easy! (2024)


LRTimelapse - Advanced Time Lapse Photography made easy! (1)
LRTimelapse bietet die umfassendste Lösung für Zeitraffer-Bearbeitung, Keyframing, Grading und Rendering.

Egal ob auf Windows oder Mac oder welche Kamera du verwendest: LRTimelapse bringt deine Zeitraffer auf das nächste Level!

  • Bearbeite Zeitraffersequenzen mit Keyframes in einem verlustfreien, Raw-Basierten Workflow,zusammen mit Lightroom Classic.
  • Animiere mehr als 400 Lightroom-Werkzeuge.
  • Erstelle mit dem Holy-Grail-Wizard perfekte Übergänge vom Tag in die Nacht und von der Nacht zum Tag.
  • Glätte deine Zeitraffer mit dem verlustfreien Multi-Pass-Visual Deflicker und der speziellen LRT Motion Blur Überblendungstechnologie.
  • Unterstützt alle Kameras, die von Lightroom unterstützt werden.

  • Rendert deine Zeitraffer in unterschiedlichen Formaten wie MP4/H.264 und H.265/HEVC aber auch professionellen Formaten wie Prores und DNxHR.
  • Rende in Auflösungen bis zu 8K und darüber hinaus.
  • Beste Farbwiedergabe durch verlustfreie Raw zo Rec.2020 Farbübertragung in einem vollständig farbverwalteten Workflow.
  • Spezieller Workflow für Langzeit- und Baustellen-Zeitraffer.
  • Leistungsstarke Batch-Funktionen um eine Vielzahl von Zeitraffern so effizient wie möglich zu bearbeiten und zu rendern.

LRTimelapse wird von der Mehrheit der Zeitraffer-Fotografen auf der ganzen Welt verwendet (siehe einige hervorragende Arbeiten von LRTimelapse-Benutzern auf der Demo-Seite), weil sie dadurch in der Lage sind ihre bevorzugten fotografischen Werkzeuge zu verwenden (Lightroom Classic oder Adobe Camera RAW), um Zeitraffer mit allen Vorteilen und Möglichkeiten zu erstellen, die diese Werkzeuge für die Bildbearbeitung bieten.

Um mehr über LRTimelapse und seine Entwicklung zu erfahren, schau dir meine Doku an:

  • Resources
  • User Voices

Lerne die Zeitraffer-Fotografie und -Bearbeitung

Wenn du lernen möchtest, wie man Zeitraffer-Filme von Anfang an richtig erstellt und es vermeiden möchtest, dir alles selbst auf die harte Art und Weise beizubringen, solltest du erwägen mein Buch/EBook Zeitraffer Fotografie zu lesen. Das Buch ist eine Schritt für Schritt Anleitung für Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und auch Profis. Es deckt den gesamten Prozess von der Vorbereitung, der Motivauswahl bis hin zur Bearbeitung und dem Export des Films mit LRTimelapse ab. Es behandelt auch spezielle Themen wie Motion Control, Astro-Fotografie etc.

Der LRTimelapse Pro Timer

Der LRT Pro Timer ist der perfekte Intervall-Auslöser für fortgeschrittene Zeitraffer-Fotografen. Er bietet viele Vorteile im Vergleich zu Standard-Intervallometern.
Mehr erfahren!


qDslrDashboard ist eine Mobil-App von Zoltan Hubai, die bei der Aufnahme von Übergängen von Tag zu Nacht und von Nacht zu Tag im Zeitraffer enorm hilft. In meinem spezielles Tutorial zeige ich, wie die App zusammen mit LRTimelapse funktioniert.

Das LRTimelapse Forum

Schau gerne im LRTimelapse Forum vorbei. Solltest bei der Zeitraffer-Bearbeitung mit LRTimelapse Probleme oder Fragen haben, wird dir im Forum geholfen. Du kannst auch gerne im Forum deine Erfahrungen und Arbeitsweisen mit anderen Nutzern teilen.

LRTimelapse auf Social Media

Ich veröffentliche Neuigkeiten zu LRTimelapse in erster Linie über meinen Newsletter. Außerdem gibt es eine LRTimelapse Facebook-Seite und einen Twitter-Account. Für häufigere Updates folge mir auch auf Instagram. Meine deutsche Facebook-Seite ist Dankeschön!

Schaue Dir meine Tutorials an, um mehr zu erfahren!


  • Mega! Meine Kamera hat zwar einen Intervall Timer, jedoch nicht so steuerbar wie der LRT PRO Timer. So viele Vorteile in einem kleinen Gerät ist der Wahnsinn! Auch die Anzeige wie lange die Aufnahme jetzt dauert ist heftig. Vorher musste ich immer alles ausrechnen und das war nervig 😂. Aber die größte Magie findet dann immer am PC statt. Was LRTimelapse da immer wieder zaubert, ich bin jedes Mal aufs Neue überrascht 😍 und mal ein großes Lob! Updates sind immer sofort verfügbar – sogar 2 mal an einem Tag kamen welche raus und auch am Wochenende! Das ist mal ein mega! 😍 Trotz das ich Azubi bin, war es mir das Geld sowas von wert! 😊 😊 (JP Media Creator)
  • Amazing tool! I struggled for a while creating time lapses, and then picked up LRT 5. It transformed my world. It made me want to create even more time lapses. I just finished a huge job over months of time lapse across 3 different cameras. I didn’t want to upgrade in the middle of my project, (Big mistake!) I was processing over 800,000 pictures and doing overnight jobs. now that I have upgraded to LRT 6, I finally realize how much computer time I could have saved if I would have upgraded earlier. This is an amazing tool! Thank you so much for creating it and making regular updates! (Dennis)
  • As part of the new NOVA series „Building Wonders of the World“ I started researching how to pull off day-to-night timelapses, which led me to LRTimelapse. Your software has transformed the way I create every timelapse now! I wanted to let you know that LRT was behind all the timelapse. I created a showcase of all the timelapse shots you can see here. (Rob)
  • „Just wanted to let you how thrilled I’m with the new version of LRTimelapse 4 !!! I love it. Its so easy now to fix up my messy shots… 🙂 The Visual Preview is the best feature. Without it everything took for ages, now i have the total control over my footage.“ (Irek)
  • „I don’t think there is anything you can do to make this software any better. I have been working on several TL’s just trials and the interpolation between key frames is „SPOT ON“ it seems to be rendering faster… The Deflicker seems to be improved. I am succeeding it producing day to night TL with very little flicker. Everything is working awesome!“ (Edward)
  • „Gunther absolutely rocks! He’s single-handedly created one of the most useful pieces of filmmaking software in modern times and his personal support of it blows away anything being offered by larger software developers with more resources.“ (Colin)
  • „LRTimelapse 4 is a piece of software that EVERY time lapse photographer (amateur or professional) should purchase! It is packed with many useful features that have helped take my work to the next level. The software is also fairly intuitive, and easy to learn especially after watching the tutorial videos found on (Bryan Snider) – Hier findest Du seine komplette Rezension und seine persönliche Geschichte.
  • „I went to your site, read, watched, examined and tried out the sample version of the software for many hours yesterday and was blown away. Even though I have never done a time-lapse before, I completely understood your tutorials and program and why it works. A run through with the sub 400 frame lapse with no keyframe wizard even produced a pleasing result. Thanks a lot man and I am stoked to try out the license and start adding these awesome lapse features to my video. Most importantly I wanted to say great job on everything about this program; templates, book and all. Rock On!“ (Peter)
  • „Instead of bramping in the field, I prefer to use an [application] called LRTimelapse to ramp exposures, reduce flicker and work with other parameters like white balance. (Shawn Reeder in einem Outdoor Photographer’s article über Zeitraffer-Fotografie.)
  • „I’m a staff video producer at Newsday. Without your software, I personally don’t think it would be this easy and routinely successful. I just released a blog post about my journey to become successful in the creation of HG timelapses.“ (Chris)
  • In order to minimize the enormous time required for processing our long term time lapses, we rely on various methods and software solutions, primarily of which LRTimelapse by Gunther Wegner enormously accelerates these processes. (Deutscher Artikel von
  • „Just wanted to say thanks for LRTimelapse. Have been using it occasionally for some time now but just recently have been using it all day every day. Fantastic work, much appreciated by myself and the time-lapse community as a whole.“ (Mark)
  • „LRTimelapse has saved me countless hours in my workflow. I used to do by hand what this program does in seconds. It is truly a godsend!“ (Scott)
  • „I now have the pro version, and if you are doing construction timelapse, it worth it for the select by criteria (to pick out the shadow shots) and the prores export saves another step, and the motion blur is a nice touch to have in the same step as well (for certain types of sequences. In this case it makes it look like all the structure built itself and there was just ghosts of construction workers and machines flying around. Nice effect.)“ (Kieran)
  • „Honestly, I would pay 10x the price you ask for this software but Im happy you continue to make our work look better than any other software there is with thoughtful major upgrades whenever Lightroom does the same. Kudos!“ (Chris T.)
  • „LRTimelapse is tremendous. I can’t say that enough. It is so obviously designed by someone who knows, first hand, what the problems are, and the tools you need to deal with them. The idea that any adjustment that can be quantified by a number can be smoothed between keyframes is inspired, because it works not only with exposure, but geometric corrections as well.“ (Guy M.)
  • „Thanks for LRTimelapse! I started using it yesterday and found it easy to use. Your video tutorials are the most valuable. Please keep up the good work.“ (Steven)
  • „LRTimelapse is a great program that is so much more powerful than it seems at first… It’s quickly become a very important part of my TL workflow…“
  • „A HUGE thank you! LRTimelapse is pure gold, and is necessary and most worth it! This is the best Lightroom integration/standalone product for time lapses hands down!“ (Ryan)
  • „This is a wonderful software you’ve released for those who are passionate about timelapses.“
  • „Since I’ve been using LRTimelapse my renders are now closer to what my eye sees than ever“
  • „You’ve done more to improve T/L workflow than any other source I’ve found! Brill“
  • „As I’m processing 7 timelapses from the last weekend, I can’t help but Thank You for the LRTimelapse software. Once again – WOW, what an amazing help, easy to use and fun, too :).“ (Lu)
  • „I really had no idea how terrible the rendering was out of After Effects until I rendered from LRTimelapse.“ (Tracy)
  • „Wow, I am so impressed with LRT4! The auto holy grail smoothing is brilliant. I spent so much time leveling out timelapse this is so simple. Well done Gunther!“ (Jeeves)
  • „I just did my first renders with LRTimelapse 4, and I just had to send you an email to thank you for this amazing software. This is truly an amazing tool and makes me eager to go shoot more timelapses, as your software makes the editing so easy!“ (Atte)
  • „Hi Gunther, just wanted to thank you for an awesome piece of software. So easy to use, and the information it provides you, makes it really easy to figure out what went wrong and what improvements you can make for the next time.“ (Dominic)
  • „I would like to sincerely thank you for creating LRTimelapse! Like for so many other time lapsers out there, this fantastic software has made my workflow a dream, and my precious LRTimelapse is as important to me as the rest of my photo gear. Without it I would be lost!“ (Magnus)

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LRTimelapse - Advanced Time Lapse Photography made easy! (2024)


What are the best settings for time-lapse photography? ›

The ideal shutter speed rate for time lapse is to double the set frame rate. So if your frame rate is set at 30 frames per second (FPS), then you should control your shutter speed at a rate of 1/60.

What is the formula for time-lapse video? ›

How to Calculate Time-lapse Duration? Dividing the number of available images by the frames per second gives the time-lapse duration. For example, if the number of available images is 100 and the required frames per second are 20, then the time-lapse duration will be 5 seconds.

What is the best time-lapse frames per second? ›

It's suitable for time-lapses of events, activities, or scenes with moderate motion. 60fps (Frames Per Second): This frame rate offers the smoothest motion and is excellent for capturing fast-moving subjects, such as traffic, crowds, or sports events.

How do you take a perfect time-lapse? ›

Time-lapse video is simply a series of photos so any camera is able to create a time-lapse. You can set your camera on a tripod and set it to capture 1 or 2 photos per second (or 5 or 10 photos per second—it's up to you). Using editing software, you can stitch those photos together to create a time-lapse video.

What is the shutter angle for time-lapse? ›

One basic principle that still works in time-lapse is the 180° shutter rule if you need somewhere to start. Basically, your shutter speed should be half of your shooting interval, so a 10-second interval results in a five second shutter speed, and so on. This will give just enough blur for smooth footage.

What software to use for time lapse photography? ›

If you are creating a time lapse from hundreds of photos, process each image through Adobe Lightroom before importing into LRTimelapse to greatly reduce editing time. You can adjust white balance and color rendition, but for fancier color edits, you will need to use Lightroom.

What are alternatives to LRTimelapse? ›

  • Timelapse Workflow. Paid • Proprietary. Mac. Windows. ...
  • Panolapse. Freemium • Proprietary. Mac. ...
  • Time-Lapse Tool. Freemium • Proprietary. Windows. ...
  • Sequence. Paid • Proprietary. Mac. ...
  • iTimeLapse. Paid • Proprietary. iPhone. ...
  • Stop Motion. Paid • Proprietary. iPhone. ...
  • MSU Deflicker. Free • Open Source. Windows. ...
  • GBDeflicker. Paid • Proprietary. Mac.

How long should a timelapse be? ›

Slower moving subjects like stars, may require a time-lapse duration of at least 2-3 hours and a long interval (~20-25 seconds), whereas fast-moving clouds or people may only need 30 minutes and a much shorter interval (3-10 seconds).

How long is 20 seconds in time-lapse? ›

For example, you want your finished timelapse to last 20 seconds and your playback speed will be 24 frames per second. Therefore, your timelapse needs to be 20 x 24 = 240 frames long.

How long is 1 second in a time-lapse? ›

Therefore, 1 second of a timelapse video will consist of 25 - 30 individual images. On the iPhone this is selected with a slider to speed up or slow down the footage. The greater the capture interval, the faster the action will appear in the final timelapse.

How long is 10 minutes in time-lapse? ›

How the iPhone automatically adjusts the time-lapse recording settings
Real time recordedFinal iPhone time-lapse video lengthInterval used
10 minutes20 seconds1s
15 minutes30 seconds1.5s
30 minutes30 seconds2s
60 minutes34 seconds3.5s
2 more rows
Nov 13, 2020

How many pictures per minute for time-lapse? ›

– Example: For a one minute-video at 24 fps: 60 seconds x 24 fps = 1440 photos to take.

What shutter speed and intervals for time-lapse? ›

For cinema-smooth time lapses, the shutter speed should be 1/2 x interval time. Taking a sample project, if your interval between photos is 1 minute, your shutter speed should be half a minute, or 30 seconds.

What is the difference between time-lapse and fast motion? ›

Time lapse videos are made by clicking multiple photographs at a set interval and then stacking them together. Sped up videos are basically videos that are played at a speed greater than what they were orginally shot at.

What are the best export settings for timelapse? ›

We recommend setting the “Image Format” to JPEG, “Quality” to 80 and the “Resolution” to 72 pixels per inch. This will help you save hard drive space while maintaining good image quality. We're done and you can hit the “Export” button. Your JPEG files are now being exported to your folder.

How to do time-lapse photography? ›

For a time lapse, you shoot a photo, wait a couple of seconds, shoot another photo, wait the same duration again before you take another photo, and so on and so on until you've got a reasonable number of pictures. Once you're happy with the number, you can combine the pictures to create a video file in post-production.

How fast should a timelapse be? ›

Use at least a 20-second interval, and the sky's the limit. Choose a fast shutter speed (less than 10 seconds) to avoid the stars blurring. If you want star trails, use longer shutter speeds (at least 50 seconds) and even longer intervals.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.